“KANAKARI 1656”, located at the settlement of the same name, Kanakari, in Kato Sagri, has been a complex of ancillary buildings to the Venetian Sommaripa’s tower. According to a very old contract, the complex consisted of the tower house and the bakery (“fournario”). At the last decades, the buildings were semi-ruined without roofs.

In 2017, the reconstruction and the restoration started after the permission of the archeological authority of Cyclades -as it was declared a listed building- and the permission of Naxos municipality’s building authority. During the process of restoration, a marbled heraldry was found with the inscription FNS 1656 on it, which is referred to the owner (Francesco Nicola Sommaripa) and the year of construction.

The tower-house and the bakery (KANAKARI 1656) as well as the Sommaripa tower were in the past a single property of Francesco Sommaripa. On the side of the complex, there are old built washers and a water well, which were used for the needs of the buildings. This area was a gathering point for the inhabitants of the village, which was continued with the erection of the church of the Annunciation, next to the tower, which served as a church of dual doctrine (Christian Catholics and Orthodox Christians). According to testimonies, the Sommaripa’s tower was destroyed in the 1940s and it is currently ruined.
